In everyone’s life there comes a time when the roles are reversed and the children start taking care of the parents instead of the other way around. At least, that’s how it would be in an ideal world. The same goes for our Mother Earth. Because she has long taken care of us, untiringly and unconditionally. And she keeps on taking care of us even though we ignore, neglect, mistreat her and take her for granted. But she is getting exhausted. It is high time we start taking care of her, putting her first. After all, that is in our own best interest as well.

Today the worldwide “March against Monsanto” is being held. In 44 countries, in at least 400 cities, over a million people are standing up for the rights of Mother Earth. Monsanto is a company that by all accounts puts those rights last, and it is high time we all together say no to that. Shout no even, because whispering is no use and unfortunately governments don’t see it as their biggest responsibility to put the health of people and nature first and put a stop to companies like Monsanto and their despicable practices. The “March against Monsanto” is not only a protest against the worldwide violation of food safety and the ecological system by companies such as Monsanto, but also meant to voice our concerns about TTIP (Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership). This is a free trade treaty between the US and Europe that is currently being negotiated behind closed doors.

Yesterday I was playing a game of Dungeons & Dragons with a group of friends (yes, it still exists and it still is fun!!) and told them that I’m participating in the March for Mother Earth in Alkmaar – as part of the worldwide march. My D&D friends are intelligent and, in general, well-informed people, but of Monsanto or TTIP they had never heard (well, 2 out of the 3). I was flabbergasted! But at work it’s the same when every now and then I mention these issues and most people appear to have no idea of what’s going on with GMO’s, bee demise, Round-up trouble, patents on vegetables, trade treaties such as TTIP that threaten food safety and give companies the power to sue countries when new legislation threatens their profit margins.
Listen, I’m not the best-informed person on the planet. I don’t read newspapers and rarely watch the news. And of course you’ll receive more information about the things you’re interested in than the things you’re not. I am no doubt oblivious to topics other people think are super important. But it is in everyone’s best interest to be informed about these topics, because they concern everyone. Take food safety for instance, I mean… do you feel like eating chloride chicken from the US? I am not the right person to explain to you exactly why this march is so important, but thankfully the internet is bursting with information and you can easily find out. For example here:
At 2pm today the Mars voor Moeder Aarde starts in Alkmaar and I’m there. It would be great if you would participate too, or at one of the other marches in the country. But should that not be an option, then, I hope you will at least take the time to inform yourself about TTIP.
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