As of yesterday, I have lived in my Tiny House for exactly five years. It seems so much longer since my little house arrived in Alkmaar and I started living in it! It seems like a lifetime ago, and I seem a different person. I have never regretted my decision to build and live in […]
How do you choose a green energy supplier?
Do you know the advertising campaign of Vattenfal? I heard it again on the radio last week. “We want to make a difference.” Or something along those lines. You won’t get far with me with that kind of slogan. It makes me think, “If you really wanted to make a difference, you would have been […]
The road forward is best taken on foot
The latest documentary by Michael Moore “Planet of the Humans” is stirring up quite some dust. It is responded to with indignation. We feel cheated. How despicable is it if companies, under the banner of the transition to clean, green energy that is supposed to mitigate our massive impact on Earth, end up doing just […]
Preparation is key
It seems that we are going to have a real winter in the Netherlands after all. A stream of cold air will be creating temperatures below -10 degrees Celsius, from this weekend onwards. This ice cold air from Siberia is being called the Russian Bear. During the daytime, the temperatures won’t even get above freezing point. […]
About the bare necessities
The first wintery days are already behind us, the snow is melting away already, but what a lovely snowy world we’ve had! Life in my Tiny House now is completely different from life during the summer months, but I enjoy living with the seasons. Today I will share some insights on how my basic needs […]
Winter is coming, again!
We’ve had the first night-frost tonight! I bought a thermometer recently and it was 15°C in the house when I got out of bed this morning. That was at 6 a.m., I’m an early bird. ;) This is going to be the second winter in my Tiny House, hence the title of this blog. Last […]
Wet wet wet
All the water we’ve missed this spring seems to have saved itself for September. What a bucketload of water! It’s a real swamp around my house, but thankfully I’m high and dry. It’s nice that my water tank is loaded, but that’s only helpful with a working water pump… Unfortunately, it broke down. I have […]
Off-grid solar in a Tiny House
Now that I’ve been living in my Tiny House for over a year, it might be interesting to see how I’ve managed with my energy consumption, and if my solar-powered system has enough capacity for me (like we calculated). Sit back and enjoy! In my blogpost ‘Tiny House techniek: zonne-energie installatie’ I’ve written down the choices […]
Energy for two
Of course it’s wonderful when you’re able to live off-grid in a Tiny House, and generate and store your own energy. I think it might be the best way to become aware of your own energy consumption. And changing your consumption pattern starts with awareness. But, not everyone has the ability to live like I […]
Tiny House techniques: solar power installation
I want to be self-sufficient – also known as ‘off-grid’ – with regard to electricity in my Tiny House. But that is not so easy in the Netherlands, because in winter you only have a limited amount of sunlight. According to the KNMI, on average, December has only 2 hours of sunshine per day. Therefore, […]