Just when you think the design is pretty much finished… your interior designer comes swooping in and drops a little design bomb, which turns everything upside down. Honestly, he did! But in a very good way. I asked Dennis Belle to help me shape the interior of my new house, especially the use of colors […]
1001 choices
Having a Tiny House built may be a lot more manageable than a villa, but you still have to make a lot of choices. About anything and everything. 1001 choices from the smallest part (where in your loft do you want an outlet?) to the big choices (do you want to go off-grid or not?). […]
Tiny House interior: the dining table
In my current Tiny House, I have chosen not to have a dining table in the house. Well, I do have one, but it’s hidden in the sitting area. I can conjure it up when I need it, but it doesn’t bother me when I don’t need it. That way it doesn’t take up unnecessary […]
A glorious new design
After my first design session with Menno, he started working on my wish list and suggestions for the layout of my new Tiny House. On May 31st we discussed three possible designs and I made my choice for one of them. Last week I received the first design drawings from Menno. Fantastic! What an incredibly […]
Here I go, again on a Tiny House adventure
As of yesterday, I have lived in my Tiny House for exactly five years. It seems so much longer since my little house arrived in Alkmaar and I started living in it! It seems like a lifetime ago, and I seem a different person. I have never regretted my decision to build and live in […]
I’m going to live in a normal house again
How quickly things can change. At first, I planned to move my Tiny House to my plot in the Olstergaard. However, advancing insight has made me realize that I would prefer another house. Therefore, I’m going to sell my Tiny House and live in a regular house again… … Fooled ya! No, not a word […]
Step by step..
.. I am on my way to the Olstergaard. It is quite an adventure for me! Today I would like to tell you a little about my progress. It is often a matter of waiting for others first in order to take the next step, so I need to practice patience a lot. But we’ll […]
The old and the new(s)
Dear Readers. This week I reached a huge milestone: I paid off the loan for my Tiny House! My house is now completely, 100% mine!! Six months earlier than expected too, which is great. That is a piece of the old that is completed. On to the new! The design for my future garden is […]
Let’s start at the beginning again
The time has finally come to continue my adventure. Onwards to my own lot in Olstergaard! The project manager in me wakes up, rubs her hands and takes a seat. What do I need? Five years ago, when I started planning the build of my Tiny House, I needed three things basically: a bag of […]
Tiny House offers a view of nature
One of the things that makes living in my Tiny House so pleasant is that I have many windows in it that allow me to look at the surrounding greenery. That makes it no problem at all to live small; many windows gives a spacious feeling to the house. You bring the outside inside to […]