As you know, I live off-grid in my Tiny House, without connections to the electricity grid, water supply and sewerage system. I don’t even have Wifi ;) I have written about how I organized it many times; you can read about it all in my blogs. But the subject of heating in wintertime is still […]
Safety first
Every year I have my chimney cleaned and my fire extinguisher tested. I also disinfect my water tank and water pipe once a year. But my gas installation? I had never checked it since I came to live in my house, now more than three years ago. So, it was about time! In fact, you […]
A hot item
I’ve been hesitating to write about this topic, because it’s a sensitive subject nowadays. Heating your house with a wood stove. I’m not sure where all the fuss came from, but all of a sudden there’s a taboo on stoking wood because of particulates and CO². More than once I had to hear that I […]