It’s quiet at the moment; perhaps it is the silence before the storm? On Sunday November 8 Laurens, Lena, Dimka and I will get together again to brainstorm about the building of my house. Because we are participating in the program ‘Build your own dream home’, there is some time pressure. It really has to be finished by the end of April. I don’t mind; the sooner the better. Around April or May would be a great time of the year to move in and start my new life. I’m totally ready, bring it on! By then, I will have been planning and organising for over a year and I feel it’s time to actually make things happen. However, for busy students the added time pressure probably isn’t so welcome. On the other hand, the television program offers so many opportunities to put the spotlight on Tiny Houses, we have to grab them with both hands! We’re all really excited about it.
They will probably start filming on November 8. The whole process – from design to final product – will be recorded. Dimka joked about having to clean his house as we will be guests there; I jokingly replied that I would bring the hairdryer again! Then I suddenly realised that I would no longer have a hairdryer anymore; an additional solar panel just to run the hairdryer seems a bit over the top. Do coal-powered hair curlers exist? ;) Like those old-fashioned irons but for your hair? Haha. I don’t think people were as vain back then. I hardly ever iron anyway and will just have to keep in mind to purchase wrinkle-free clothing from now on. Everything that runs on electricity uses so much energy; something I will not have in abundance soon. No electric kettle, just a normal kettle on the stove or the wood burner. It’s actually a lot quainter, don’t you think?

So those are some of the thoughts that come up throughout the day: how will that work later, how will I do this… I can only do so much research in advance; it will also just be a matter of experiencing and trying out. I read the other day that you can’t have animal fat in your grey water and then filter it ecologically for use in the garden. Hmm, that’s exactly what I was counting on doing. Although I don’t buy meat from the supermarket – only from organic farmers whom I know treat their animals well – I’m not planning to become a vegetarian just yet. But that’s a different topic, in the meantime I have to dig into what the deal is concerning animal fat in your grey water supply. Maybe I need to install a separate waste pipe for the bathroom and kitchen, but that’s not very practical. I really would like to recycle all my grey water. I’m sure there is a good solution, so I will keep looking.
And that’s how one keeps busy!
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