In my July newsletter you have already read the announcement. Now the time has come: the course “From initiative group to housing cooperative” is online! This course helps you and your group to set up a cooperative for your Tiny House housing project. But even if you want to set up an association, I can heartily recommend that you do this course. My apologies to English readers, this e-course is in Dutch only.
When you, as a Tiny House initiative group, are a bit further along the path towards living in a Tiny House housing project, there will come a time when it is wise and, in many cases, also necessary to unite in an organization with a legal form. That may be a foundation, but more often an association or cooperative is chosen. Quite a lot is involved. Not only is the choice of legal form a subject that you should pay attention to, but how you organize the organization is also. Perhaps even more importantly, you have to make a whole series of agreements with each other about how you want to live together. It is easy to overlook some aspects, which is why I developed this course especially for Tiny House initiative groups.
Based on my experience in establishing Tiny House Alkmaar Housing Cooperative, I help you step by step through the entire process. For more information about the content of the course, I refer to this page:
There is a version for individual students and a version for groups. In addition to the online lessons, the group course also includes a Skype session with me. In this way I can help you to get answers to questions that specifically apply to your own initiative group. With this new online course, I hope to provide a valuable service and to help many initiative groups to make an important step forward towards the realization of their dream: living in a Tiny House housing project. Here’s to the creation of a diversity of beautiful Tiny House residential projects and residential areas in the Netherlands!
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