As a Tiny House pioneer and ambassador of Tiny House Nederland, I like to keep an eye on everything when it comes to Tiny House residential options in the Netherlands. And let me tell you, a LOT is happening. And this is much needed too. There are so many people looking for a place where they can live in a Tiny House – either by purchase, lease or rental of a plot on which they want to build or place a Tiny House themselves, or renting or buying a Tiny House with land.

I keep a close eye on everything for the Register of (prospective) Tiny House residents. Members of the Register receive an email from me twice a month informing them about all initiatives regarding locations for Tiny Housing.
It is important to show what is possible and how many residential projects with Tiny Houses already exist in the Netherlands. This is why from now on you will find a new page on my website:
The buttons on this page take you to a page per province, where I show you an overview of these projects. Use it to get inspired, to give examples to your municipality, use it in whatever way you want. Onwards to many more Tiny House projects in the Netherlands!
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