I actually wanted to write a new book tips blog before the summer holiday period, but it just didn’t work out. So now here it is after the holidays. Well, reading books is always nice, isn’t it, and not just during holidays? I have a few gems for you: books that touched me and that […]
Small living tips for book addicts
“I can’t live in a Tiny House. Where the hell am I supposed to put my collection of books?” Oh, I understand the great love that many people share for books; I am quite a book junky myself. And yes, if you have three bookcases full right now, I can promise you that they will […]
Book tips for overcast days
Due to the drizzly weather of recent times, you might naturally feel like relaxing on the couch with a good book. Candles lit, heater on, nice and cozy. I have some great tips again for you for books with the theme of small and simple living. This way, you will also have something to put […]
Build your own Tiny House
You must have seen it pass by at some point. When you spend a bit of time in online Tiny House circles you can hardly miss it. The newest addition to the Dutch Tiny House library: Build your own Tiny House by Jan-Willem van der Male and Noortje Veerman. And it is really to be […]
Four years of Marjolein in het Klein
Today is the fourth anniversary of my blog, hooray! Wow, four years already. I can’t believe how time flies. So much has happened in those four years! For starters, I’ve published 346 blogs on Marjolein in het klein (and a few more on other websites). I’ve given about 70 lectures. I’ve seen the attention for […]
Marjoleins book suggestions, vacation edition
Just one more week and then I’ll have two-and-a-half weeks off! I’ve blocked my calendar and boy do I need it. I basically haven’t had a vacation since August last year. This year I’m staying home. No worry about the vacation feeling: my house and its location make it feel like I’m on vacation every […]
Book suggestions from Marjolein
I like to read. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always had a pile of books nearby with which I spent many hours in a cozy corner. There was only one downside at the library: the limitations on the amount of books I could bring home. I vaguely remember competing and winning in […]