You probably know that I’m a big proponent of Tiny House civic initiatives. And of citizens’ initiatives in general, by the way. It makes me very happy when people take their fate into their own hands. People who do not wait but bring about the change that they so much want to see — whatever […]
The planning of your Tiny House project
Realizing your own Tiny dream home is a project of scale; a whole adventure where you have to make many decisions along the way. I imagine you might be a little worried about that, or even dread it. The way you look at such a project makes a big difference in how you experience it […]
Why using Tiny Houses for recreation is not a good idea
The popularity of Tiny Houses is still increasing, and the logical consequence is that commercial interests come into play. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, but there is a risk that the Tiny House movement will be hindered by it. In my opinion, that is what happens when Tiny Houses are used as […]
Housing, nature and food production in balance
Yesterday I shared a message from the newspaper AD about the new political program of the PvdD (Party for the animals) on LinkedIn, stating that they want to reduce livestock in the Netherlands by 75% and use that space for housing. There was some criticism about that. I have often noticed that there is a lot […]
The system is broken, so be a hero
I would like to let you read an article. Because this piece really touches me. It was forwarded to me from Cissie Schellings, with the caption: “look what fits tiny”. I totally agree with her! Unfortunately, it’s in Dutch, but here is a key paragraph translated: Yes! Quite correct. This is exactly what I […]
The pyramid of Tiny Houses
I received this beautiful New Year’s wish from Jetty and Maarten Min Min 2 bouw-kunst and it made me think. What do we actually need in life? Everything comes together in the Tiny House movement. Based on the Maslow pyramid, Maarten shows very nicely in his sketch what role Tiny Houses play in fulfilling our […]
A moment of self-reflection
It is December again. The year is ending. For me, that is always a time in which I like to do some self-reflection. What have I experienced and learned this past year? What could I have done better? What am I proud of and what am I less happy about? What goals do I want […]
Space for diversity and customization
Having a home is a necessity of life. It is a right. At least, it should be. But housing in the Netherlands has become a luxury item. Only accessible for the rich among us. Our government has made a choice to leave housing largely to the free market with all its consequences. I think that […]
Build your own Tiny House
You must have seen it pass by at some point. When you spend a bit of time in online Tiny House circles you can hardly miss it. The newest addition to the Dutch Tiny House library: Build your own Tiny House by Jan-Willem van der Male and Noortje Veerman. And it is really to be […]
Tiny House TEDx talk
Monday January 21st was the day, finally. After months of preparations, the very first TEDx event of Alkmaar took place in a sold-out Grote Sint-Laurenskerk. The crowd listened carefully to no less than 18 inspiring speakers, including yours truly, alternated with music and theater. It was an incredible day! The talks are now online on […]