One of the reasons people want to live in a Tiny House is to be part of a community. A neighbourhood in which you have a pleasant balance between privacy and sharing. In which you have your own independent Tiny House, but also easily make contact with your neighbours, share joys and sorrows, material things, […]
How to start a Tiny House initiative group
So you want to live in a Tiny House. And you have already realized that it is not that easy to find a place where you can legally live in your dream house. You can go to the municipality on your own to ask for a residential location for your Tiny House, but it is […]
Tiny House projects in the Netherlands
Last Saturday I did a photo quiz with my students during the course meeting. I showed pictures of thirteen Tiny House projects in the Netherlands and the students had to guess in which municipality those projects are located. It was a nice and playful way to show how many projects have already been established; how […]
A Tiny House meet-up
Last Sunday I was in my car at 8 am, on my way to the first ever Tiny House meet-up in The Netherlands. After picking up Koen in Amsterdam we arrived at 10 am, ready to start. Frieda Bakker lives in a cohousing project located in a beautiful old farm in Dieren and her ‘roommates’ […]
A Tiny House weekend
I am procrastinating… something I am quite good at sometimes. Friday is my housekeeping day; I do the laundry, food shopping and tidy my house. But I really hate cleaning, so that’s why I’m great at procrastinating… ;) Ultimately, I will do it, because I hate a dirty and untidy house even more. But it’s […]
Tiny House community: time for solid plans!
On August 14 I have an appointment with Lena and Laurens to talk about the design for my Tiny House. What to do till then?… Well! :) I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now about how I would like to live once my Tiny House is done. And even though I […]