The popularity of Tiny Houses is still increasing, and the logical consequence is that commercial interests come into play. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, but there is a risk that the Tiny House movement will be hindered by it. In my opinion, that is what happens when Tiny Houses are used as […]
No to fences, yes to privacy
One of the reasons people want to live in a Tiny House is to be part of a community. A neighbourhood in which you have a pleasant balance between privacy and sharing. In which you have your own independent Tiny House, but also easily make contact with your neighbours, share joys and sorrows, material things, […]
Tiny House projects in the Netherlands
Last Saturday I did a photo quiz with my students during the course meeting. I showed pictures of thirteen Tiny House projects in the Netherlands and the students had to guess in which municipality those projects are located. It was a nice and playful way to show how many projects have already been established; how […]
Enthusiasm for Tiny Houses? Oh yes!
Every now and then I hear directly or indirectly from municipalities that they doubt whether there is any interest in the idea of living in a Tiny House. Sometimes it is specifically about living in outlying areas – areas outside urban agglomeration – where facilities are less accessible. Sometimes local councilors or civil servants think […]
Tiny Houses for all ages
At this point, more and more municipalities in the Netherlands have put Tiny Houses on their agenda. With the municipal elections coming up, electoral programs are being announced and Tiny Houses have a place in many of them. I can only be happy about that! Unfortunately, some organizations still have a tendency to think inside […]
A Tiny House meet-up
Last Sunday I was in my car at 8 am, on my way to the first ever Tiny House meet-up in The Netherlands. After picking up Koen in Amsterdam we arrived at 10 am, ready to start. Frieda Bakker lives in a cohousing project located in a beautiful old farm in Dieren and her ‘roommates’ […]
A Tiny House weekend
I am procrastinating… something I am quite good at sometimes. Friday is my housekeeping day; I do the laundry, food shopping and tidy my house. But I really hate cleaning, so that’s why I’m great at procrastinating… ;) Ultimately, I will do it, because I hate a dirty and untidy house even more. But it’s […]
A weekend full of Tiny House meetings
It was so very quiet for a while, it seemed as if everything had come to a halt. And that made me rather jittery. I’ve lost momentum! My motivation will disappear next! What if people believe that it won’t happen! Insecurities… (you know what I mean) ;) But this weekend was totally different, because I […]
Tiny House community: time for solid plans!
On August 14 I have an appointment with Lena and Laurens to talk about the design for my Tiny House. What to do till then?… Well! :) I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now about how I would like to live once my Tiny House is done. And even though I […]
Surprising meetings
Since I decided to go live in a Tiny House and started this blog and the Facebook page (Tiny House Nederland), I keep meeting people with similar dreams or who are just fascinated with the idea. It is like throwing a pebble in a pond; you never know how big the rings will get but it’s […]