Green, ecological neighborhoods are on the rise in the Netherlands. Neighborhoods of the future, where the starting point is that we have to relate to nature in a different way. Nature-inclusive, circular, with a great eye for biodiversity, native plants, climate resilience and with a diversity of houses. Not unimportant: Tiny Houses are welcome there! […]
Housing, nature and food production in balance
Yesterday I shared a message from the newspaper AD about the new political program of the PvdD (Party for the animals) on LinkedIn, stating that they want to reduce livestock in the Netherlands by 75% and use that space for housing. There was some criticism about that. I have often noticed that there is a lot […]
How to finance a Tiny House
The attention for Tiny Houses is steadily growing as more people decide to go for this form of housing. One of the challenges they face is financing their small dream home. This especially plays a role if you have a temporary or no residential location yet, as the option of taking out a mortgage is […]
How to start a Tiny House initiative group
So you want to live in a Tiny House. And you have already realized that it is not that easy to find a place where you can legally live in your dream house. You can go to the municipality on your own to ask for a residential location for your Tiny House, but it is […]
Doing the laundry at the gas station
For the past couple of months, I’ve done a lot of my laundry at my friend Jennifer’s house, and sometimes I took a shower there as well when my water pipe got frozen. My dear mother also received a few loads of dirty laundry, in which case I would get it back cleaned and ironed. […]
Where can you live in a Tiny House
Every now and then I get questions from people who are interested in living in a Tiny House. For example: ‘what about your registration at the municipalities?’ Or: ‘where in the Netherlands can you put your Tiny House? Can you park it on private property and live in it? With a farmer? Is that […]
The question of registration
People ask me sometimes how I’m going to register at the city council. And I don’t have an answer to that right now, because I don’t even know yet where I’m going to live. If I can’t be registered at the address my house is at, I’ll apply for a correspondence address with the council. […]